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ABA Therapy Process

Our process of applying for and beginning therapy

Step 1 - Intake Screening

Phone consult with team member. During the initial phone call we will discuss your need for ABA therapy and if we can provide the services your loved one is in need of. We will discuss your availability for supporting therapy sessions, an overview of the behaviors and skill deficits your kiddo struggles with and the locations services will be rendered. Lastly we will discuss funding options and insurance coverage. Once we decide to move forward with services for your family we will send you an intake packet to complete and advise you of what paperwork we will need from you.

Step 2

After all paperwork needed is received we will move to the assessment phase. If you are using insurance we will seek and obtain approval from your funder on your behalf.  During the assessment phase a BCBA will set an appointment with you and your family to begin gathering all information needed in order to create a treatment plan that is specific to and created for your child. This assessment phase will include review of the intake packet,  direct observation of your child, a parent and caregiver interview, and a formal assessment so that we can better understand your child and his/ her needs. Once the assessment is completed a treatment plan is created and reviewed with you the parent. If any changes to the plan are required they can be made at this time. The treatment plan will serve as our therapy guideline for rendering services for at least 6 months.

Step 3 - Treatment Phase

Once the treatment plan is signed by you the parent and if necessary submitted for approval to your insurance company , we will then begin the ABA therapy journey. If  you are new to ABA therapy this is when you will meet your behavior professional who will work closely with your kiddo in order to achieve the goals outlined in the treatment or behavior plan. As a parent you will work closely with your kiddos therapist in order to achieve the goals established in the plan. We must work together as a team in order to help your child achieve their brightest future possible.

Step 4 - Data Collection and Ongoing Evaluation

ABA therapy, like your child,  will grow and evolve.  As we get to know your kiddo better and as we collect and evaluate data we will continue to tweak and improve upon  his or her treatment protocol. We value and require your input as the parent on how you feel your child is responding to services and where we can make positive and consistent improvements. True and lasting change does not happen in a day. Change  happens from consistent daily efforts over several days and months  strung together to achieve great results.

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